

  • Characterisation of packaging materials
  • Determination of performance levels
  • Use of operating resources




Generate value...

The CTP’s laboratories feature a wide range of standard laboratory equipment along with specific devices used for tests in relation to cellulose packaging. These laboratories are complemented by pilot resources enabling solutions to be tested quickly.

Whatever your market focus, our experts will meet your needs in the areas of physical, chemical and microbiological testing, fibre characterisation, sensory analysis, food contact, barrier properties, etc., with staff trained in lignocellulosic materials such as papers, boards and 3D objects.

You will have the guarantee of test and analysis results obtained in laboratories that hold COFRAC accreditation (Testing accreditation no.1-0552, scope available on www.cofrac.fr), and using operating resources that are updated on a regular basis.

New materials and solutions can be referenced and compared.

Context and implementation

Defining pertinent product characteristics and providing accurate values are essential aspects of positioning a new material when placing it on the market.

The equipment in the CTP’s laboratories can be used to conduct a wide range of tests:

  • Physical characteristics
  • Barrier properties;
  • Sealing and gluing properties;
  • Converting capability;
  • Biodegradability and recyclability;
  • Suitability for food contact;
  • Microbiological or sensory analysis;
  • etc.



Defining the tests to be performed

The types of tests to be performed are defined with the client depending on how the material is used.
The CTP provides its insight on the tests, drawing on the wealth of experience it has acquired by conducting thousands of tests each year on dozens of widely varying paper and board materials.
These characterisation tests can also offer a means of checking or validating technical specifications.

Procuring the materials

The materials to be tested are procured by the client following well-defined protocols.
If necessary, the CTP can purchase materials on the market.



Performing the tests

The tests are performed according to the applicable standards, which are specified at the definition stage.
The tests follow precise protocols in order to guarantee the quality of the deliverable.


The test results are written up and provided in the form of a test report.
