Personal data


A) Use, processing and recipients of personal data collected on the website

The personal data collected by Sol4Pack through its website is used for the following purposes:

1) Marketing:

  • To answer questions of a general nature
  • To handle, process and follow up on your requests and queries
  • To send you marketing communications about our products and services where appropriate, unless you ask us not to
  • To perform audience analyses and produce statistics

2) Keeping you informed about job vacancies and internships:

  • To answer questions of a general nature
  • To handle, process and follow up on your requests, queries and applications
  • To perform audience analyses and produce statistics

3) Managing our website:

  • For troubleshooting purposes and to improve the management of our website

Your personal data are thus used to help us respond to your requests and queries and any legitimate interest you may have in the activities of Sol4Pack and the services provided by us, to give you a better idea of our products and services via our website, and to help us find out more about you and to better understand and meet your needs. This data is intended for Sol4Pack only.

B) How long is your personal data kept for?

On the website: 3 years.

In Sol4Pack ’s IT system: for as long as may be necessary for the purpose for which we are using the data, with the aim of meeting your needs or our legal obligations.

C) Recipients of data collected - Cookies:

Sol4Pack will never supply or sell your personal data to a third party. The personal data you have shared with Sol4Pack may however be processed on our behalf by service providers and partners contracted to provide e-mailing or postal mailing services, or to manage our website.

The website makes use of services provided by third parties. These features use cookies embedded by these services. When you visit the website, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and allows you to accept or reject them.

D) Right to access, modify and object to the use of your personal data:

You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, to object to or restrict the use of your data and to withdraw your consent.

To exercise that right, please contact:
Centre Technique du Papier
Domaine Universitaire | CS 90251 | 38044 GRENOBLE | Cedex 9 | FRANCE