

  • Identify key potential suppliers
  • Select materials that meet the specifications
  • Identify existing materials on the market
  • Monitor technical and technological developments





Generate value...

Are you looking for technical and technological information and a state of the art review, with the aim of replacing packaging made from the currently used petroleum-based plastics with cellulose packaging?

In making this substitution, the following key issues must be addressed:

  • Maintaining barrier properties (water, grease, steam, oxygen, etc. depending on requirements).
  • Guaranteeing appropriate optical and mechanical properties.
  • The possibility of 3D shaping.
  • Gluability/sealability of the materials.
  • Printability.
  • Ultimate fate of the materials (recyclability, biodegradability, organic matter recovery, etc.).

The CTP has been a key player in the field of lignocellulosic materials for more than 60 years, and has developed a bespoke offering of searches for materials, technologies and innovations, which can be tailored to each situation, each client’s specific requirements and the target applications


Context and implementation

The CTP’s teams cover the entire value chain and provide targeted intelligence. Depending on the input data, the CTP produces a summary of finished products on the market, technologies, performance specifications and market players (paper manufacturers or converters).

The information is collected from a variety of sources such as the CTP’s non-confidential data as well as technical data drawn from scientific journals, books and papers available through the tools at the CTP’s disposal (in-house library, internet and various specialist bibliographical databases).

A review of press articles published since 2019 can also be proposed to constitute a survey of packaging products developed to replace plastic solutions.



Content of the services

The CTP will work with the client to define the search criteria to be targeted:

  • Type of packaging;
  • Target performance levels and properties;
  • Converting capability;
  • Availability on the market;
  • Technical data sheet;
  • List of players;
  • Region;
  • And others

These can then be complemented by a survey of the identified suppliers in order to confirm that the solutions examined are pertinent.




A report on this bibliographical search will be drawn up, including a list of the solutions and players identified and a compilation of the survey results.
